Friday 10 June 2016

Gender Neutral Anthem

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Should Canada’s National Anthem Lyrics be Gender Neutral?
By BBC News
Updated: June 6th 2016

            Bill C-210 is being considered by the Canadian Parliament to change the lyrics of the national anthem to make them gender neutral. It has already passed two readings in the House of Commons and will now be sent to Committee. If approved, the bill will change the line “in all thy sons command” to “in all of us command.” Originally when the song was first made to be our national anthem, the lyrics were “thou dost in our command” but were only changed during World War I to create patriotism. By passing Bill C-210, we will just change the song back into the gender-neutral anthem it once was.  

            I think that this bill should be passed in Parliament. I think that it’s not a very drastic change to the song and it will be easily made. I also like the fact that it’s not completely changing the anthem, but simply changing it back closer to its original form. Nowadays men and woman are much more equal then they once were and this change will prove it. Back in World War I, only men fought in the army so changing the lyrics to create patriotism and focus on male soldiers was acceptable. Nowadays, both women and men can be soldiers so by changing the lyrics to gender-neutral, it can still bring patriotism to the country for soldiers of both gender.

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